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When you’re lacking a very good mug of beer in Rome, head to Bir e Fud in Trastevere. Dykewomon, E. (1983) ‘Travelling Fat’ in Schoenfielder, L. and Wieser, B., eds., Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Ladies on Fats Oppression, Iowa Metropolis: Aunt Lute, 144-154. INDeco‘s THE STEVE BORGIA INDIAN HERITAGE MUSEUM (SBIHM) has been establishing thematic museums since 1998 and organising Travelling Museum Exhibits. www.indecohotelsmuseum.
So I proposed a dance that I’d dance with Kay Hyatt within the Obesity gallery. We’ve been working on a piece that will be appropriate, known as ‘However is it Wholesome?’ The individuals at the Wellcome Assortment stated yes. I stated I would make a zine to contextualise the dance, and I did, it is known as The Blob. I made some beats to bop to primarily based on some recordings of fats feminists from 36 years in the past. I wrote an article …